Viewing the UI¶
neuralqa ui --port 5000 --workers 1
uses the uvicorn asgi webserver with support for multiple workers (use the worker flag to set the number of worker processes). Note that model weights used by NeuralQA
are loaded into memory on status for each thread.

Command Line Options¶
The primary command for NeuralQA
is neuralqa ui, used to launch the web interface. Use the following command to view the available options.
neuralqa ui --help
Usage: neuralqa ui [OPTIONS]
This command launches the web interface for NeuralQA.
-h, --host TEXT The network address to listen on (default: Use to bind to all addresses if
you want to access the tracking server from other
-p, --port INTEGER The port to listen on (default: 5000).
-w, --workers INTEGER Number of uviicorn worker processes to handle
requests (default: 1).
-cp, --config-path TEXT Path to a yaml file containing config for neuralqa.
If none is provided, the default config.yaml is
copied to the current directory.
--help Show this message and exit.
Rest API Docs¶
The rest api for NeuralQA
is implemented using FastAPI. This means you do get excellent documentation for free. In your browser, type the following:
Loading Sample Data¶
provides a method to download and import sample data (court case documents) into a local elasticsearch index. The command below will import the first 10,000 documents from the case law dataset for new mexico.
neuralqa load --max-docs 10000